The humble beginning of Prayermount was on 1994 February in a small shack covered with plastic and tree leaves. With a three days convention the prayer meeting started every Sunday evening from 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm. April 13th 1995 was the church opening with regular morning Sunday worship. First water baptism took place on November 24th 1995 and 5 people took water baptism. Even though there were many hurdles and obstacles, Pastor Dixon decided to follow the Lord’s voice resisting every oppressions. The zeal and enthusiasm came under much opposition from starvation to discouragement and being let down by people who promised to stand by till the end.


What started in a tiny shack, at Punnackamugal in Trivandrum, saw an overflowing of the room in less than three years, and the room was extended in 1997 to accommodate the over flowing people and this took the Church to look for a bigger accommodation. It began growing through the consistent preaching of God’s Word, prevailing prayer and faith despite many trials. The main strength of the church growth being fasting prayer, the first 21 days fasting & prayer started on April 5th 1999.


With the introduction of the cell based model of discipleship, the Church continued to grow as a network of small group communities that met in homes during the week and gathered together on Sundays. A new building was constructed in a rented land and the dedication was done on 11th June 2000. To accommodate the growth, multiple services were conducted every Sundays. Slowly the services increased with the thrust in evangelism, there were more people attending and again an overflow in all the services. Since that land was a rented one and with limited space, the Lord at this point impressed on the heart of Pastor to start looking for a new space but this time it would be our own building. In 2007 God has blessed us with a new land and the church stone was laid by Pr. M. Paulose (Rameswaram). March 2008 was a landmark for Prayer Mount as we witnessed the dedication of the church along with Pr. P. G. Varghese and Pr. D. C. Samuel (spiritual father of Pastor V. Dixon). With joy and thanksgiving we ushered in a new phase for the church that would strive in winning souls. From then on the church continued growing rapidly keeping three things as the priority for its growth: Fasting prayers, evangelism & missionary works, and the Word. The last 14 years the church has moved to having multiple level of services, outreaches and Missionary activities.


Pastor V. Dixon along with his blessed wife Sis. Beena Dixon who was with him in all the stages of both troubles and growth of the church began to travel the length and breadth of Indian villages encouraging pastors and leaders to grow big churches with the resources that can come from within. As a church we have built 70 church buildings in the past few years. The wholistic teaching of God’s word, discipleship, relentless prayer and anointed worship, are equipping people to impact the city, nation and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


As Prayer Mount continues to journey as a church under the leadership of Pr. V. Dixon, we know that God will do what He has promised, as we keep our eyes fixed on Him. When the time comes to turn our batons over to the next generation, they will look back and say, “Look what the Lord has done, indeed He has done marvelous things in our midst.”